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Deputy Director of the Lao Prime Minister's Office visited the National Convention Center

On the afternoon of May 29, during the visit to Vietnam, the working delegation of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic was led by Mr. Malaythong Kommasith, Deputy Minister, Deputy Secretary-General of the Office of the Prime Minister. Laos, visited and worked at the National Convention Center.

The mission of the Office of the Prime Minister of Laos and the leaders of the NTH exchange some contents related to functions, duties, financial management ... of the NTH

At the meeting, the delegation of the Lao Prime Minister's Office heard representatives of the National Convention Center introducing the process of formation, development, functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Center. National Conference (NTH).

The NTP was started on November 15, 2004 and completed within 22 months. The center is conveniently located on the East-West main road, 10 km from the center of the capital and 40 km from Noi Bai Airport.

With a total area of ​​64 hectares, the entire National Park includes a main building with more than 70 large and small rooms, meeting the needs of events from 50 to 3,500 people. In addition, the Center also has villas with 10 luxury villas to meet the needs of the highest level resort; an underground parking garage in front of the building with a helipad; The rest is the cool green campus, lake system regulating the surrounding and Van Tue island.

The Lao Prime Minister's Office presents the souvenir to the National Headquarter

Being a public non-business unit under the Office of the Government, the National Committee for Ethnic Minorities has the function of organizing important political events of the Party and the State, diplomatic activities, meetings and conferences in the country. the Government, the Prime Minister, the Government Office, conferences and other activities of the Party, National Assembly, ministries, branches and localities.

Besides serving the political tasks, the National Center also makes use of material facilities and labor to operate the service business on the principle of not affecting the assigned political tasks of the Center. Providing domestic and international services for traveling, accommodation and meeting at the Center in accordance with the law.

Duong Thi Thu Huong, Director of the National Center, said that in the past years, the National Committee for the Environment has made good material facilities and logistics techniques for political activities and tasks. , ensuring the security, safety absolute, effective, thoughtful and respectful with the quality of service is increasingly enhanced.

In addition, the Center has implemented a variety of measures to improve the quality of services, seeking clients such as: Implementing information technology applications in management and business; image promotion, regular research, market research; To promote the care of customers ... Through this, to ensure stable revenue, care for staff life, employees of the Center.

At the meeting, the Deputy Director of the Lao Prime Minister's Office, Malaythong Kommasith, thanked the leaders of the National Science Center for taking the time to welcome and introduce the activities and organizational structure of the Center. At the same time, we appreciate the technical infrastructure and modern facilities as well as the operational model and management method of the NTH, when both the political tasks and the dynamic implementation of many other services, Increase the income for staff, staff.

The Lao Prime Minister's Office visited the facilities and took souvenir photos at the National Center

Malaythong Kommasith said that in Laos there is also the National Convention Center under the Prime Minister's Office, but smaller than the National Convention Center in Vietnam. Currently, the center in Laos is opening services to contribute to increase income. Therefore, it is very useful to visit Vietnam in order to learn the experiences of National Convention Center staff in organizing service activities to increase revenue.

Deputy Director of the Office of the Lao Prime Minister, Malaythong Kommasith, and members of the mission of the Office of the Prime Minister and leaders of the National Conference Center exchanged some contents related to their functions, financial management, organizational structure, personnel, staff training, technical facilities ... of the NTH.

At the end of the working session, the Lao Prime Minister's Office paid a visit to the facilities and functional areas of the NTH.

Source: According to the Government Portal